Register now for Spring 2025!
Get ready to experience the premiere choice of children's play classes in the Austin area!​
What is PlayWisely®?
Preparing Young Minds to Thrive in a Changing World​
It’s all there in our name! We are all about playing. . . wisely! Experts know that early, age-appropriate stimulation is critical to your child's development. In fact, your child’s earliest experiences build key structures of the brain and cognitive tools used to make sense of the world for the rest of their lives.​
We’ve taken the latest and most robust findings from science, academia and sport as it relates to childhood play and brain development to create an innovative curriculum that’s designed to optimize your child’s natural learning potential. We build your child's developmental 'tool chest' of skills and abilities that will help them make their way through this quickly changing world.
So yes, it’s science. And, yes, it’s learning. But to your kids, it’s just plain fun!

Dr. Eugene Galanter, Columbia University
"A potential mechanism to jump start a child's intellectual and athletic foundation."
Dr. Susan Smart, Pediatrician
"As a pediatrician and PlayWisely parent, I have read plenty of books on child development, but to see PlayWisely in action is amazing!"
Dominic L.,
PlayWisely Parent
"I knew my son was picking up PlayWisely when as a 2-year-old he debated with a teacher whether a shape was a diamond or a rhombus."